In order to guarantee your peace of mind, here at Aynsley we source the most reputable insurance products, at the best prices. We are happy to confirm that our main travel insurance provider, SunWorld, are underwritten by Axa Insurance who have been declared by Which? to have 'superior' travel insurance cover in relation to Covid-19.
According to Which? 85 policies were ranked ‘superior’, providing cancellation cover for travellers having to self-isolate without a positive test, but not for Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) advice changing.
An AXA spokesperson said: “This is a fast-moving and constantly changing situation, so insurance providers should make sure they regularly discuss the benefits and restrictions of their policies with brokers. Insurers can also help brokers and their clients by providing up-to-date guidance and by directing them to the latest FCDO advice.”
On AXA SunWorld policies we take the following stance:
You should also monitor the FCDO travel advice, they provide advice for people travelling abroad.
The FCDO continue to advise against all non-essential travel to some countries and territories. Many other countries have rules in place about who can enter and what you can do when you are there. These rules are not related to which colour list that country is on. Before you travel you should check FCDO advice for your destination.
For more information regarding the traffic light system, please click here.
Difference between FCDO Advice and the Traffic Light System
You can travel to any Red, Amber or Green countries, providing there is no FCDO advice advising against all or all but essential travel to that destination. The Department of Transport control the traffic light system, which is in place to help prevent the spread of the virus in the UK.
For information on the full Covid-19 cover with SunWorld please click here. You will also be able to find a list of Covid-19 scenarios in the policy wording on page 2.
Here at Aynsley Insurance we deal with a variety of different insurers so that we can provide you with the best cover at the best prices. Depending on your individual circumstances the policy we offer may differ from the one stated, however we will always clearly advise the full cover details on any quotation that we provide. Although all of the information stated is correct as of today, the situation does change rapidly so please always source up-to-date information.
Why not give us a call to discuss this further on 01782 265522!
Source: Which? , Insurance Times , SunWorld